Originally Posted By: JKB
I would not think B'ski would search out such a diverse culinary delight as this!

They say, you need a beer chaser to get one down! But, probably many more beer's to even think of it!

Just glad that this is not tradition in Michigan!

Anybody who was in the Pacific Navy during Viet Nam would know baluts. I believe that every ship that moved between the West Coast or Pearl Harbor, to Viet Nam and back, made a "liberty call" at Subic Bay, Phillipines (PI).

Once a ship tied up, the sailors would start to make their way over the Sh*t River. They would toss coins to the kids in bonka boats under the bridge, who dove into the sewage river that flowed from Olongapo and Subic City into the Pacific Ocean, to retrieve the coins.

After you got over the bridge, you could take a "jeepnee to pleasure" -- whatever that pleasure might be -- for just a few pisos.

For the equivalent of a few pennies, you could buy a duckling to feed to the alligators (maybe crocodiles??) that were outside the bars in small swimming pools.

Baluts were available from street vendors and in the bars for the equivalent of a few pennies.

Some of us tried them. The juice was OK. The crunchy of the beak and feet was a little disconcerting.

To answer JKB, there are a lot of traditions that my Yooper cousins (those above the Mackinaw Bridge) that are not observed by the Trolls (those below the Mackinaw Bridge). My cousins eat some pretty disgusting foods too -- but I love most of them!

I've slowly been introducing stalwart/trusted Pond Boss members into enjoying the more mundane treats.

As for bashing JHAP -- I'd be real careful. I believe that JHAP has powers beyond his own control -- he knows how the IRS works!

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