Ken, the last time I had to buy a new cell phone I had to explain to the nice lady that I only wanted one that would receive and make phone calls. It has a camera that I've never used and probably won't use. I don't text or tweet. I have a new digital camera that I never take with me.

My Dad worked for Bell Helicopter. Obviously, that was a long time ago. They had two types of Engineers; Professional and Practical. The Professional Engineers were degreed and the Practical ones generally weren't. Anytime the Pro types came up with a new idea, they had to run it by the old guys to get their blessing. The objective was to find out if it had been tried before and what happened in the past. Quite often the new idea had to be modified or even scrapped. Helicopters used to be pretty notorious for falling to earth. They shook a lot and that ain't real good when you're upstairs.

I'm not knocking Education or new ideas. I have a whole lot more formal education than I have ever used or can remember. Want to know how to buy and sell Countries or Continents? I took a couple of classes in that and made A's. I've never even bought or sold a town. However, at the time, it seemed like a good idea to know that stuff.

One of my Grandaughters once asked me about fighting Indians. My Mother laughed and said that I got a lot of knots on my head from that and beer was usually involved. Heck, they lived on a neighboring farm and we were pretty good friends.

Yeah, I'm getting old. I have no use for a laptop with a keyboard that has been micro sized. Even with my bifocals on, I fat finger the keys. I just gave a Grandson my laptop and, for some reason, my Wife says I have to buy another one. I probably will.

I got into programming computers in the 60's. It had 4K of memory and took up a pretty good chunk of a room. We had no idea that technology would progress to where it is today and most of it is good. However, a lot of it is marketing driven so we can do things that we didn't know we wanted to do.

It's not about the fish. It's about the pond. Take care of the pond and the fish will be fine. PB subscriber since before it was in color.

Without a sense of urgency, Nothing ever gets done.

Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley Rancher and Farmer Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP