I had too much work going on and I waited a couple of days to change the water. When I lifted the cover it smelled really bad. There were a lot of dead and rotting fish on the bottom.

I removed all the dead and dying fish, anybody that wasn't swimming normally. For some reason I didn't lose any of the big fish. Maybe it was the cold. The water smelled decent yesterday. I think it will probably clean it's self back up.

If we have a normal winter I think the rest of my fish will be ok. That was a pretty hard cold snap. But I'm afraid if it gets much colder than that, like it does some years, I am going to loose all of them. Paying for heat is out of the question. If I can find a deal on an aquarium I will bring a few of them in.

I still have a little less than half my fish left. As smelly as that water was had it been summer I'd have lost them all. It's cool that I didn't loose any of the big ones.