Originally Posted By: timberframe
Cecil, my trout came from Aqua springs in Big Rapids Mi the first two times.

That's one of Bob Baldwin's farms isn't it? He and I graduated from the same college with a fisheries degree with him a year a head of me. He's a wealth of information and he's patiently answered many questions I've had.

I'm always on the look out for sources of trout in case my present source has problems, although I'm taking a break on trout for now. Besides my well died the other day for some reason. However even though Michigan is blessed with trout farms, many don't do the testing required for out of state stocking as it's too expensive. Some have gotten out of the trout stocking business all together and only raise trout for the table which requires no health testing.

Originally Posted By: timberframe
We are currently putting a order in with the fish farm in Harrison Mi.
The first year we aerated 24/7 with no dye and lost all the fish. This year we are aerating just 4 hours a day and have added dye. The fish are doing well and seemed to have survived the summer heat.

That's a very good sign as this summer was one of the hottest on record in the Midwest and elsewhere. It set all time records down here in Indiana.

Originally Posted By: timberframe
Our pond sides are quite steep. We get weeds around the edges of the pond (Out to 6 foot or so) but the rest of the pond seems to be weed free. I wish I had some scuba gear to actually see what it looks like down there. Of course with the dye, maybe I wouldnt see far anyways.

Any underwater camera may be an option.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.