Well....I have to stay honest. First fish on the gold jig, with a chartruese body.

In line spinner...

Little tilapia on the silver jig with a hunk of nightcrawler.

Then, as bad as I hate to admit it...that cool green Mirabou fly tied onto the Roadrunner...I think it's the one George tied. I hooked into a bass about five pounds, on two pound test...drag set properly, fish fought a great battle, just as I was landing it, my lousy knot came untied and the fish blasted into the depths. So, as ironic as it might seem, George's lure is impaled in the left cheek of a nice bass, until it shakes it into the depths of our pond.

That was the morning session...I had some quiet time before church.

Then, late this afternoon, here's what happened.

Debbie practiced with a 5 wt fly rod, but none of the fish accepted her offers. So, I pulled out the spinning combo, the one with the two pound test...(with a better knot on the next jig)...and about two inches of nightcrawler on it, under a bobber.

Here's what she caught...with granddaughter Jentry by her side.

Jentry is learning how to fish...

Then, we headed off to the catfish pond to try to haul in a monster whiskerfish. Not one bite...from a catfish. But, we caught lots of bluegill. But, on Debbie's first cast with a different jig, she snagged this hybrid sunfish. Nice fish.

Well...that sums up our adventure with the traveling lures. I didn't catch a fish on the silver spotted spoon or the beautiful hand-tied flies.

But, we caught fish on every other bait over the last three days. Thanks for letting us play.

Oh, I thought it would be cool to add a few lures. Here's what I've added for the next trip...to the left coast.

The top bait...a Lazer Eye jig...For those of us at the last PB conference, Stacy King spoke to the group on the pond bank about fishing techniques. He endorses this bait.

Below that, in honor of our dear friend, Bruce Condello, a banjo minnow with a shade of pink in it.

The bottom bait...a little in-line spinner I buy at Walmart...6 for $6. It's my favorite bait at King Fisher. As a matter of fact, this bait, in this box, I've caught two bluegill slightly over two pounds, about ten that weighed between 1.25 and 1.75, a four pound bass and two redbreast sunfish. It's a fun bait on 4 pound test.

Thanks for the great time. We've enjoyed it immensely.

Fish on!

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...