Next, I spent a few days at home. We had some serious rainfall that first week of September, as the next three speaking engagements set up. Here's a few images of rainfall consequences at LL,2

This is a 12 inch pipe overflowing from the swimming pond.

Jentry wasn't quite sure how to handle all that water rushing around her little feet.

So, Meems rescued and reassured.

Water rose about two feet over our dock. You can see the climbing ladder and a bench on top of the dock. Lots of rain in a short time.

Then, we headed to Eagle's Nest Ranch in east Texas, one of my best clients, to check in with the fisheries program.

I shot a few scenic photos, weighed and measured some fish and checked aquatic plants.

There were garden spiders all over the place. It was their time of year.

Debbie saw this on a window at the house and didn't know what it was. I didn't want to tell her. Do you?

Then, I headed to King Fisher Society in North Carolina to meet up with TJ Stallings of TTI Blakemore. TJ has been in the fishing tackle business for 40 years and I think he's only 54...he was seining minnows for his dad's Alabama tackle store before he had armpit hair. The man knows fishing tackle. As a matter of fact, he invented Bleeding Bait hooks. Our mission? O'Neill Williams, from Georgia, wanted to shoot a couple of TV shows for his O'Neill Outdoors, on the Versus Channel. We had two incredible days shooting a bluegill show and then a bass show. I got to participate in the bluegill show with O'Neill while KFS owner Jim Morgan did the bass show. It was fun.

TJ Stallings, fishing and fishing tackle expert. I watched him do some trick casting and fabulous catching. The guy is amazing.

TJ and his brother Ron, fishing and standing ready in case we needed anything during the shoot.

Jim Morgan (c) and O'Neill (r) with the cameraman Mike, headed off to do their thing on that fantastic lake.

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...