We added so bottom structure this weekend. We found the old ATV parts back in the woods. It looked perfect for the bottom of the pond.

I think this was a wall from an old barn. It will be just above the water line. We found a old hand dug well next to the wall.
I will use some of the rocks on the sides of the wall for a sitting wall.

Another view

It is raining today and tonight. So I hope the pond starts to fill.

I spent a total of 100 hours on the dozer so far. The inside of the pond could use so clean up work.
That's right cleaning up with a bull dozer. (Sounds like my bed room as a kid)

Most of the remaining work is on the outside of the dam.

It has been so dry this year the tress are changing early. You can see how dry the soil is. It is like compacting baby powder.