All excellent info... keep the thoughts coming. I will definatly stock some Coppernose in the winter months. I had it in my head to go get these 3-5 coppernose so I took a ride this morning. Kinda disapointed... I would say there was only 25 coppernose that were 3-5 there was prob 15 other species not bluegill maybe pumpkinseed and the rest were tiny bluegills all of 2". Well it wasnt a lot of $$ so hopefully the 25 coppernose get a head start. Come winter I found someplace whos truck is coming this way and they pride themselves on these coppernose so I will get a bunch since they will be little and fairly cheap.

Someone mentioned tilpia.. I read there good also. What are we talking in price and how many approx should I put for a acre pond. These fish dont make it threw winter so I understand. My winter here is not bad but I did get skim ice on the pond 2 times.

I do like the Channel cats in there but boy do they eat. there pigs so I figured they might be eating other stuff to. They are a lot of fun to catch though, which is part the reason I put them, figuring they will bite.

I do have real expectations for this pond knowing its only a acre. If I can get a bunch of bass in the 3 pound class and nice solid sunfish I will be more then happy. The nchannel cats are just a bonus and I should be able to take them out pretty easy unless they spawn. Wont the bass eat up any young though?

I got another question about the bluegill. Will they live and grow in a cage? If the ones I get are to small maybe I can grow them a while. I could talk all day about the pond.
