Yes I can vouch for what Ewest as this happened to me. We had a pond fixed about 4 years ago now and I just stocked mine in December. I never even thought fish would get in it since there is not an upstream source. The down stream was way down (or that is the only idea I can think of how the fish got in there.

Anyway I now have a Green Sunfish Problem, and trying to take care of that now, plus since I did not know I stocked small fingerlings and I am sure many were eaten my the adult GSF send their mouths are so large.

Anyway just wanted to put this out there so you can know it does happen and it happened to me, now I have to work backwards to fix something that never should have happened.

I did not find Pond Boss until May of this year so at least for you, the tools and advice are there if you just sit back for the ride and take it all in.
