Originally Posted By: MRHELLO
Ok next spring I am going to go for it and stock some Tilapia in at least 4 ponds, some are ours and others are some friends etc.

We can use the 1 acre stocking method and I can either multiply or divide those numbers once we recalculate the surface area next spring.

My goal for each pond is different and need to know how many to stock based on the following:

Pond 1
Stocking them to feed on and clear the muck from an old pond no current fish population.

Heavy stocking at 50-60# per acre

Pond 2
Stocking them to feed on and clear the muck from an old pond that has a few LMB and HBG.

Very heavy stocking to overwhelm predation at 60-80# per acre

Pond 3
Stocking them for algae and vegetation control (as well as forage), many fish present, GSF, HBG, LMB, CC.

Standard NOK rate at 25-40# per acre depending on normal plant growth desired to be reduced

Pond 4
Stocking them to grow out to transfer to other ponds or for food in the fall, no known fish population.

5# and fertilize/aerate the water to produce HEAVY algae bloom and avoid a DO crash along with greatly reducing canniblism...Seine weekly starting 2-3 weeks after water temps at 1 foot hit 80* with a 1" net. (should produce in excess of 500# of forage annually) Be prepared to either do a final year end seining with a 1/8-1/4" fine mesh at 60* water temps to remove most fish or you'll be cleaning up a truckload of dead fish.

Please let me know what sizes are recommended for each and how many should be stocked.


This is based on the Tulsa/B-ville area with the Blue Tilapia stocked in the standard UNGRADED 7-9" average sizes and your stated goals on each pond. Other 50/50 mixed sex tilapia species would need to be stocked at a rate 70-125% higher for comparative results. It is also for a first year stocking---future stockings would need adjusting and are usually around 20%-50% lighter for maintaining the seperate goals.

Last edited by Rainman; 09/17/10 03:03 PM.