Thanks Rainman,

The lake looks the same size as the 10-12 acre lake I have in the next hollow. It appears that way standing in the center of the levee of both lakes, from a boat, from an airplane, and from aerial photographs. However the perlimiter measurements and soil agency figures state it is only about 5 acres. I've always doubted that number, especially since flying over it in 2009 and seeing aerial photographs.

I talked to the contractor again today and we agree that a good core ditch 4 feet wide with good clay soil will seal it. It would seal it even more to plate it with good clay on top of that at least 10 feet wide from the maximum water line to the elevation where it stops seeping down to. Now I'm just hoping we can get enough quality clay soil close by. I won't really know for sure until we get the dozer there and start scraping off the pasture grass and see what the composition is. Otherwise we'll have to make some fairly long hauls to get enought dirt.

Thanks again for the interest and suggestions. I'll keep you posted.