Thanks guys. I will likely take this up sooner or later. Lately, I haven't been able to do much "pleasure fishing". Shoot, the last time I was out just fishing for fun was at Bruce's place and that was a couple months ago now with the wife and kid. And even then, we only spent about an hour at it. I've either been fishing with kids, which is great, but I probably wouldn't have the opportunity to practice flyrodding with them around, or I've been fishing to either analyze a fish population or transfer from one pond to another. Just haven't seen many opportunities to fish either by myself or with an experienced friend this year. So even if I owned a flyrod it would have gotten little to no use this year. Maybe next year, I'll get out more often. I've got a lot of fishing buddies that love to flyfish from their float tubes and I've been dying to give that a shot.