Originally Posted By: RAH
I seved once. If I am ever brought up on charges; if I am innocent, I want a judge-only trial, if I a guilty, I want a jury trial. I was amazed at the level of logic skills present in the average person selected for a jury. Wow!

Reminds me what happened to a taxidermist friend in Iowa that raises deer. His neighbor shot one of his expensive deer through the fence just for kicks. It went to a jury and Tom said they just had to have picked the dumbest people they could find for the jury. He said it really shook is faith in the justice system.

Anyway, Tom's expert witness that also raises expensive deer, was not able to show up at the last minute because his father suddenly died. Due to the lack of an expert witness he got a paltry amount of award money as the jury wouldn't believe that deer could be worth so much. If I remember right the shooter got off with a slap on the hand too.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.