First off, beautiful pond, Loretta! I really like the setting you've got there.

In thinking about your berm, I guess the big question I have is why you are considering one. If the depth is not an issue for you, then I don't know of a really compelling reason to add a berm. Not that there may not be a good reason, I'm just not certain what it would be and that may help you get more meaningful input from those who actually know what they're talking about (which group most decidedly does NOT include me!).

Some other random thoughts:

* I bet you could have the excavator make you a low area in the place that runs into your pond so you could develop a wetland there. Catmandoo has a good explanation of what he did to create a wetland/filtration area in this thread. He may find some time to chime in with more detailed thoughts, too.

Creating that sort of buffer zone should help you eliminate the inflow of some of the stuff in the woods, especially since you compost there and may not want the byproduct ending up in your pond. Plus, a wetland may add some biodiversity to your wonderful setting you've already got there.

I guess ultimately I'm thinking you may not necessarily need a berm and don't know that it would serve any particularly good purpose, especially if you create a buffer zone to help control the contents of surface water inflow.

Let us know your thoughts.

Todd La Neve

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