The cats are any where from 3 t 10 lbs. The small school of them is probably around 5 to 7. I agree with the under fed thing. Is theat going to be due to over population or just not being grain fed often enough? The bg/hbg/res...what ever they are hehe. do eat meals with the cats. I generally feed every other day and give them about 20 to 25 minutes worth of pellets. Too little? Which generally works out to 3.5 1 lb coffee cans worth. I'd like to get away from bag food entirely if possible but I know at this point its not real likely. The dorsal on the top pic is what I was thinking for the hybrid and the rounder front to the body. But I definitly agree that they look more like the one in the lower pic. Agreed on the pro evaluation. Its time to call the experts smile

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