I think that might be the case...the non utility forage. I took a few photos but they really didn't come out well I don't think. I have caught a few of the 4 to 5 lb bass earlier and they seem healthy. Nice and fat and very hard fighting. The large head /small body scenario seems to be limited to the 14 to 18 range as I think back. There is no doubt a huge population of redears. Would it be ok to take out a hundred or so? Or should I take fewer out at a time several times? also I noticed a post that says only 50 to 60 bass per acre. If thats the case then the bass are way over populated as well. If you stand there a minute 5 to 8 bass will pass the shore in schools about every 30 seconds or so but they are only about 4 to 10 inches. I spent about 5 hours there yesterday and only saw one bass over the 20 inch mark but saw hundreds of the smaller ones. As suggested earlier...I think I'll just start taking out the bass under 14 inches and the redears under 7 inches. The catch rate for the redears is about 1 every 10 seconds of you can unhook them that fast, and the supply SEEMS unlimited. Unless I have an emergency all stop post I'll begin taking the smaller ones out this weekend. I do however wonder whats the best thing to do with them. Surely someone would like to have them but I don't know who or were and transportation is also an issue I would guess. seems like a boatload of work to fillet 200 small blugill and bass for dinner for 2 haha. Anyway, Heres the pics I did take. If there is a specific view or item that would be helpful to see, let me know and I'll go snap a few more. oop! I guess I'm not familiar with the ways and means to up load photos. Any help there would be appreciated as well. Thanks again folks ,Dan

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