Hi, this is my first post so hello all.

We have a small natural pond at the top of the garden, I say small because of some of the sizes mentioned in the forum but for us its big, it holds about 200,000 litres of water.

Going back a couple of weeks we totally drained it to give it a good clean (first time we have done it since buying the house). We removed all the decomposed matter at the bottom and took it back to the natural clay and rock. The problem now that we have filled it again is the water has turned grey (it was very brown before the clean). I have put some water in a glass jar and it has not settled after a few days of standing.

I wonder what is going to be the best method to clear this, I'm not sure because most posts I see here relate to brown water.

I was going to try some water test in jars but the links I have found in other forum posts do not work so I'm not sure the ammounts to try. I think I have some gypsum, its a powder type stuff my wife uses for moulding in her work, I take it thats the stuff I need?

Thanks, Adam.