
You have been taking it easy and that's GOOD! I installed my system about 5 weeks ago and I took it real slow!! Here is how I started up my system. Just so you know.

Day 1 - 20 minutes
Day 2 - 30 minutes
Day 3 - 1 hour
Day 4 - 2 hours and I left it at 2 hours a night for an entire week.
Week 2 4 hours a night for 2 weeks.
Week 3 6 hours a night and that's where I am today still.

I too have notice fish very lively and easier to catch. Jumping out of the water and all kinds of stuff. So don't feel pressured to go from dusk to dawn. My setup is at 6 hours a night and I am doing GREAT!!

Now with that said I don't know what type of fish you have or the size of your pond plus you need to remember colder water holds more D.O. so with a cold front coming in you don't really have to aerate a whole long time to get the benifits from the cooler air. Anyway just thought I would share. My startup procedure is different than most but my pond is over 50 years old too. And I have read in old ponds that have not ever seen air you need to take it real slow. That's what I did and it really has made a diffence. Good Luck!

Last edited by RC51; 08/23/10 12:04 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!