After the four triangles, we are weather tight. We still have to set the soffit panels beneath both long stretches at the very bottom edge of the lower gambrel roof sections, but this has no effect on being weather tight (unless rain falls uphill, or we wait until the snow flies and the driven snow is blown up and under...and this can/will occur). My real goal is to be able to rest asssured whenever it rains. We are very close. It's been a long time comin'.
When we arrive at that point, I promised Dski that I would get back to work on the hardwood flooring installation in our principal home (a 700 sq ft job that is about 1/2 done since we started building the pond house). I'm thinkin' that if I can get a couple of good weekends of hardwood installation completed, I can buy another ticket to move back to work on the pond crib. Too many irons in the fire.
We have been talking and it makes the most sense to work on developing the 450 some odd feet of shop area on the first floor as our next temporary pond home. This way, we can make a mess on the second floor and not affect our current living space. When? Hopefully begin in the next month or so.