Originally Posted By: catmandoo
Originally Posted By: MRHELLO
Ok I have to know, what is Headcheese?

Attica Farmer hit it right on the head. His link has good photos and a very good description.

I don't use heads much anymore, as they are too hard to find. So, I just use pigs feet, neck, and shoulder, and I usually add some fresh venison.

As Attica's links says, it goes by many different names in different countries. My brother refers to it as "pig Jello." Absolutely delicious by any name!

And Sunil -- it won't be any bother at all. Heck, we would even enjoy a ride towards Pittsburgh at that time of year. What days are you going to be home around Thanksgiving?

I'm just a little concerned that we are talking about delicacies like headcheese on a thread about homemade weed killer. Somebody could get the wrong ideas.

So you make your own. May have to try to get you to send some this why the next time you make some.

Thanks for the info and now time to get back on topic.