Originally Posted By: The Pond Frog
Primrose dislikes fluctuating water levels? Don't think so. I planted primrose in a pond because it was one of the only plants that thrived with them. Three years straight I had 9 foot or over water drop during droughts and it thrived. I put it on an embankment where nothing else would live, the deadest shoreline on this pond. After I did that it was the most active shore on the pond. I trim it down and cast on top of it weedless, then when my lure drops off I get a hook up, usually a nice lmb waiting in ambush.

A lot of forage hides in there where I had zero forage cover before. It also helps the food chain, recruitment and sucks up excessive nutrients to hold off the algae. The only thing I have found that really can trump it is parrotfeather. But that stuff is a menace. The key to primrose is to only let it grow where you want it. When it goes to other areas I hand pull it. Plus during drawdowns it keeps the shores green instead of mud. In some ponds it's a blessing, in others a nightmare. But it sure does provide good forage cover.

So do you think it would supply adequate cover for forage to spawn such as FHM, Shiners, Gambusias, Top Minnows, etc.?

I will have to agree that it makes fishing a little hard, especially if you get a nice LMB and have to try to real in through it.

My main concern was besides looks, and trouble fishing what issues would I have with it, like water quality issues, DO issues, etc.
