Lots of rain in the last week at the farm. The rain guage had 5" in it. I know it rained last Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday, so this is a combination from all of those times minus evaporation. The pond has just under 10' of water in it and this is almost double the amount of water ever in the pond. So far the reapir is looking good. Of course time will tell but I am hopefull.

The only problem with it filling so fast is I didn't get the fish structure back in the pond. I am converting the PCV trees to procupine structures and having finished (started) this yet. Maybe I can walk them out where I want them but afraid the water is too deep. If I have to I will wait for winter and just set them on the ice and let them fall into place.

Last edited by lassig; 07/26/10 10:07 AM.