i mentioned les drummond in this thread a time or two. there have been books wrote about his family and how they got so much land in oklahoma. he was alive and doing fine when i began this thread and dead now. needless to say we should enjoy life cause you just never know what tomarrow brings. he was a fine man to work for and just be around. i never heard him say no to a fisherman wanting to wet a hook in one of his many ponds (hundreds of them). that alone is worth mentioning him in a pond thread. his favorite project was building a pond and i have had him sit and watch me for hours and hours always anxious to help put the pipe in. and at the completion of every one of them it was a ritual to find a good big rock and push it next to the pond so he would have a place to sit and fish with his grandkids.
i asked him once when he wanted me to bill him because i might be on the ranch for 4 to 5 months at a time and he said whenever you need it checks are cheap and it only takes me a minute to fill it in. that meant a lot to me and 15 years after that i can tell you he meant what he said.
the pond on this thread is for one of his neighbors bordering his 40,000 plus acres.