Glad to contribute in a little way, PF.

As an addendum to my earlier post, I had to stop out at the farm today briefly to grab a few things and when I pulled up, I was utterly shocked to see that the WM present yesterday - already a smaller amount - had easily been cut in half yet again! It was amazing, but it was easily a 1/3 to 1/2 further reduction. All I can attribute it to is the cumulative effect of the Weedtrine/Diquat in the water and that it is now really catching up with the WM. At this rate, I'm going to check it again tomorrow as we're probably going to spend a few hours there tomorrow evening and, depending on what I see, may or may not apply another dose.

The breeze again today had stacked it up, but it now occupies a "corner" of the pond no more than probably 75 - 100 feet of shoreline, if that, and extends out from being flush with the banks at each end of the mass to perhaps a max of 20 feet out in the rough center. Yesterday, it was along that same shoreline, but for easily double or more of that distance. It didn't extend any further than where it is today, but just took up a lot more shoreline distance.

Just amazing to me and absolutely exciting to see that we appear to be making headway. As long as I can stay on it this season, my hope is that next spring it will be much easier to reign in via hopefully a lighter use of chemicals and tilapia. When I have a few minutes, I'll post a series of pics showing it from start to where it is as of the time I do that post.

Thanks again to everybody for your input along the way with this effort.

Todd La Neve

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