"There were a few gas wells in that area at one time. Are these old reserve pits ?"

I am not 100% sure, but I do not think so. I am relatively certain that these were borrow pits were they excavated clay to build Hwy. 113. I have been told that the ponds have been flooded by the Calcasieu River in the past, but that has not happened since we have owned the land (late 2005 / early 2006). It did back up through the overflow once.

I am pretty sure I am going to put my plan in motion, the question is just when. I may not be able to do it until next summer. I just wanted to see what you guys thought first, to make sure I am not overlooking anything and end up making a big mistake.

I know a common concern is digging in to a sand layer and developing a leak, but with the soil being so sandy throughout and as much leakage as there already is, I can't imagine it getting any worse. Two summers ago it got so low that some high spots in the bottom of the pond became dry. I walked out onto sand flats and planted cypress trees that were in five feet of water the following spring.

Last edited by Sandman; 07/16/10 02:51 PM. Reason: revise