I've posted previously on how I over stocked my 6 acre pond with too many (180) grass carp from 1987-1990. The past several years the pond has had almost no vascular plants to take up nutrients. The result is that the water tends to be murky and green.

I've recently tried to begin remedying the situation by fencing off a small area and planting two hardy water lilies (Nmyphae ordorata gladstonea) together with a few yellow flag water irises. I plan to plant more water lilies this weekend. At this rate though I won't be around to see plants return in sufficient numbers to help clear the water.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can plant? The pond used to have lots of pond weed, native elodea and of course floating algae. I've read here that putting elodea in a pond is a no-no. Here is a photo of what I've done so far. Thanks!