OK, right from the Reward label for you Todd. Spot treatment, 2 quarts per 100 gal. .5% Solution. So in your 1 1/2 gal sprayer it should hold almost 200 oz. Just put in 1 oz of Reward. Then same info, on Reward label, .25% wetting agent. Surfactant, Greg has them on his website for a good price plus pondboss discount. So 1/2 oz. Put both of those in your sprayer first. Then fill it up with normal tap water. Treat maybe 50% of the densest material. Comeback in two weeks and finish off the rest. If you have an adjustable nozzle, mist it or spray mist. Your object is to just get everything wet, not dripping wet, not soaking wet. Not spraying everywhere, in the air, on no weed water, in your own face. Just on the plants you want dead. If you want much faster results mix in 1 oz of Cutrine Plus or Scythe. I can't make it much simpler unless I come do it myself.

Last edited by The Pond Frog; 07/01/10 08:16 PM.