Thank you all, especially Bob for this great post. Does everyone understand the significance of Dave Willis and Bill Cody's post? There just isn't much research out there about our small lakes! There might be few, if any, follow up studies on initial stockings. We have to produce this information ourselves.

We think that Bob Lusk, Dave Willis, Bill Cody, Greg Grimes and others can spoon feed us all of the answers. And yes, they have years of expert experience and are invaluable resources. But all of us are the ones that have to give them more data for them to help us.

So, I would like to narrow this subject down even more. Let's just deal with channel catfish for now. Everyone, if you have stocked CC, please provide the following information.

Year stocked:
Size of lake:
Number of CC stocked:
Approximate number of CC removed to eat:
Approximate size of CC removed:
Any restocking and if so, number, size and years:
CC restocking plans:
Will you just let CC die out?

There are a number of things these replies will tell us. I'm wondering if, in fact, most people that initially stock CC don't ever restock. All of this is extremely important for us to know. The more replies we can get, the more this will tell us.

Norm Kopecky