UPDATE, The rain will not stop. As soon as I get the pond drained it rains again. Hopefully we can get a two week period with little to no rain and get it done.

I did get a bucket test done this weekend to see if bentonite would help my situation or not. It appears I need between 1/2 to 1 pound of bentonite to seal my silty clay. Going to go with 1 pound to be on the safe side. Now I need to find someone that will deliver 30,000 pounds of bentonite in 50 pound bags and unload it for me. I have one quote on the material and delivery just they cannot unload it. Waiting on another quote from the local FS to come back. They said they could unloaded it for me. Still looking for other quotes, does anyone know of a bentonite supplier in west central Illinois? Anywhere to rent a heavy duty forklift?

The contractor came over on Saturday and we set a plan. I going to try and keep the pond drained out (see picture above that is about as full as it ever gets) so it dries out. Once it is he is going to come over and remove the trees and make it about a 1/4 slope on the north side of the pond. I am going to till the rest of the pond, spread the bentonite, and till it in. He is going to compact it and then cover it with clay form the north side that we saved. How does this sound as a plan?