Originally Posted By: ewest
PF most of the info (studies , research and university) which we all benefit from are from public waters done by universities which are paid for by public funds. Most of those funds come from the source Dave noted. Those funds both directly and indirectly trained (education) all the fishery scientists I know both public and private , like Bob , Dave , Greg etc.

Ray's lakes are private. But they do benefit from the knowledge funded by those funds. Many here have also had help from state sources on their private ponds. Advice from Co-Op extension scientists and Fish & Wildlife agencies (electroshock , fish hatcheries , Management books ). Those sources are ending across the US and are being done by private FS now.

The catfish were put in there by error and are being removed/managed as best they can be. The lake is 55 acres IIRC. The LMB removed are a tiny fraction of the population but should help. The fish were moved to another lake that needs them. There is plenty of forage for small LMB and great big LMB but a little short for mid-size LMB.

I thought most research funding came from tuition, private donations and corporate sources. I thought those aforementioned funds were for management. Or mismanagement if the government is involved.

I would think putting CC in a trophy LMB lake would have to be a mistake. They could actually throw things out of balance and cause problems in managing for trophy LMB.

It was stated since the LMB were slightly underweight they were removed. But 45 fish for 55 acres? I would put that at less then 5%? Not even a drop in a bucket. How many slot LMB are in an average acre? I don't see how removing less than 1 fish per acre does anything.

5 sizes of bg, tilipia and countless shad means to me every sized LMB has adequate forage. Especially if the forage numbers are above average. Again, plenty or above average. Those midsize LMB are not that picky of foragers. They will dropdown to another size, even though I just don't see a 55 acre lake being short on one size of forage, especially when the electrofishing results say otherwise. And multiple species that many impoundments don't have.

My last concern is where are the trophies? Is this a new project and the LMB have not had time to reach that size? To 8 lbs means to me none were seen. What would you define a trophy LMB as?