Don't miss the point, boys.
It ain't about the fish. It ain't about a lake.
"It's" about being around a legend, one of the most fascinating and influential men for the outdoors world beyond our lifetimes.
That's what it's about.
The personality doesn't matter. Neither does the "truth". What matters here is a dying breed of men who paved the way for guys like us to be able to do what we do and do it well.
Ray Scott may be full of all kinds of stories, amplified or exemplified. That doesn't matter. What matters is what he did...and is doing...makes a difference in our world.
He is truly an icon of Americana, a living legend of a man who, at 77, has been here and influenced part of our way of life.
Tell me, what's that worth?

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...