Well it seems the acute phase is over for now?
I initialy read this as a 911 call on thaughts of what to do, to cut losses.
So things/thaughts came out with out any overwiev, so imidiate actions that popp up is water pharameters (o2, temp C/F) need changing or fish moved fast.
If no action is posible to take (for any reason) hang on for the ride (rolercoaster or rodeo) eyes vide open an keep track on details.
Maybe a few others had the same thaughts, and shot advice from the hip?

Good post anyway we learn from shearing these experiences (good/bad) thats why we keep posting? So a bit temperament comes naturall in a acute situatione (adrenaline)

Reading thru I wonder a bit, about the surprise some are expresing on the speed of the algal blooms and the fact that one was reeleased by another in a few days.
I'w seen this a number of times ocure in natur, one disaster reeleses the other, and we talk houres not days, like a landslide start a chain of events. High densetie stocking in a pond located outside, where the sun and rain rules the environement I'd say the chanse of experiencing this increases? (calculated risk)

Hope you keep sharing the "rodeo" the sucsess or failure is good learning for many.

As for the challenge in raising fish in Texas, i think there is differente and simmilare chalenges on the matter in any locationes, and the kind of fish you try raising on your turf increase or decrease the challenge, or trill

Good luck ahead