This is not the first time I have stated that tilapia are not allowed eveywhere and that there are other opinions that exist about their use. I have stated that I would use them in the right conditions but can't . In some states they are considered an exotic specie and are not allowed. They are viewed like snakeheads , zebra mussels , exotic carp etc. It is a very big deal to public fisheries biologists and state agencies to stop exotic species from becoming established in native waters. There are some very bad examples of exotic species destroying native systems like cane toads and english rabbits in Australia and zebra mussels and carp in the Great Lakes and Miss. river system. You should note that we (on this forum) are in a very small minority in our point of view. An example -- Florida listed (at one point and may still) GS (green sunfish) as an exotic for their state and you could not bring them in the state except under an approved permit and only for purposes of showing them in a closed tank system (not a pond). There are currently new ideas and papers on the bad effects and unwiseness (not sure that is a word) of introducing gamefish (LMB., BG, etc.)from outside an area (from say Florida to the Mid-west)into waters where the specific genetic populations are different. I am not talking about Fla. LMB vs. Northerns here but about populations that can be genetically differentiated as local populations. Don't be suprised to see an attempt at these type of restrictions floated out in the future . I think they are out there now under a different name. I think CB1 reported on his problems with bringing in out of state fish based on state requiements on fish health grounds. ewest