I don't mean to be harsh, just frank or honest. First, Floridone does not work that way, it is very slow acting, up to 90 days to see results. And in a pond like that it could stay active for up to two seasons. At least you only paid $20 a oz for Whitecap at that amount. Avast or Sonar about $25 per oz. And then when you treated the pond, you probably killed off most if not all oxygenating plants, which made your total carrying capacity way less. It is almost impossible for pondweed to reemerge in a pond that small treated with Floridone. I know it is a live and learn event, and I have made way worse calls than that. I think moving or adding fish now is out of the question. You mentioned replacements were so much, so I thought you were replacing the brooders. What you have now is the new carrying capacity. But as thos efish growout it will be exceeded again. In a way you are lucky you suffered a partial crash instead of a total dead pond with zero survivors. Floridone kills so slow it barely causes O2 depletion from rotting plant mass. Plus your water temps must have been forgiving. I personally would either establish oxygenating plants and or get some o2 in there. And I would back off the pushing it to the edge numbers. Better off harvesting less than killing them all. I always stay on the low sides of the numbers to allow for reproduction and growout on small ponds. Like I said before, with itty bitty ponds there is just not a lot of room for errors. Good luck and sorry if I came across like I always do. Not personally singling you out for my torment and ridicule. I honestly wish you luck.