Bill and Theo :

Bill that was one of the best short explanations of pond balance I have ever read. \:\) Thanks. I would be interested in your answer to Theo's question wrt the first 2+ years of pond growth.

Theo interesting question !! I understand that the first 2 years of a pond's life (or renovated life) are its most productive for growth rates of all the various pond critters and that it works up the food chain in year 3+. I also know that there are a number of factors which effect the size and quality of each LMB year class. For example , forage of right size and amount, water quality, weather, condition of brood stock over the preceeding year ( related to but not the same as forage base) and I am sure others. There are also factors subsequent to the spawn which have an effect like weather , competition , predation etc. For example if you have a large spawn in numbers but heavy predation by say LMB, BG, shiners ,YP etc. then at spawn + 6 mths you may have a small in # but great conditioned (less competition among them for food and space) year class which have exibited a high growth rate. With all the possible factors and situations wrt this question it may get as complicated as lepomis genetics. \:D I will be looking forward to Bill's or anyone elses thoughts or ideas on how all this fits together. Great question!!! ewest