First of all I would like to thank everyone who took the time to answer my question. I had no idea that within 3 hours I would have 2 responses and 6 within 24 hours.
I have contacted a local hatchery and been told they only supply 1" and 2" CNBG (and now I know what that means) and that they will not have those until next spring. He thought I was crazy to tinker with my pond at all if I was catching 16" LMB that weigh up to 2lbs already. He suggested I speak with the local wildlife commission and get their take on my situation. I have contacted them and they are out till Friday. I will let everyone know what they have to say.
What I am doing now is going over to my large lake and catching CNBG and RES. All I have to do is put a piece of bread on a small hook and it gets hit immediately (making me wonder if the lakes BG/RES population is out of control). Last night in 30 minutes I was able to catch 7 6" to 8" BG/RES. I will keep adding them to my pond until I get around 100 to see how the pond and the LMB respond.
One response I received asked "what my goal" was with my pond. I'm not looking to raise the biggest LMB or trying to set any records. My goal is a pond that provides me and my family a fun fishing experience and an occasional 8lb to 10lb LMB would be heaven.

Thanks again for all of your responses.
