
Congrats on the results thus far. One thing I would suggest is to get a bunch more BG, preferrably CNBG and maybe add in some RES. The minnows and shiners have sustained the LMB, so far, but you will need more BG as time goes forward. You could easily add 800 CNBG and 200 RES. At this point with your bass hitting 15.5 inches, you may want to find larger BG in the 6 inch range to avoid predation by the LMB.

If you want to really charge up the growth of the LMB consider stocking 10 to 20 pounds of Tilapia next spring. Depending on what part of Florida your pond is in, they may or may not survive overwintering, but their contributions are nonetheless spectacular. Nothing I know of provides the forage and pond cleaning services like Tilapia.