This a QUESTION., I have a 1 acre pond 18 foot deep. pond is clear want to add liquid fertilizer, at what rate should i use? Also i stocked 50 6 to 8 inch blue cats 100 4-6 inch cnbg., 17 6- 8 inch lgm bass. AND it allready has a populatin of 5--7 inch cnbg and red ear, stocked 3 years ago., 80 of each. I recently just stocked the blue catfish, new cnbg, and new 6-8 inch lmb.AND 3 GRASS CARP. ----so my question is HOW MANY MORE LMB at 6-8 inch can i stock. In this pond not causing over stocking... for max lmb growth?? AND ALSO HOW MUCH LIQUID FERTILIZER IN A 1 ACRE POND,? 95 DEGREE TEMPS. POND IS LOCATED IN CENTRAL TEXAS. THANKS FOR ANY AND ALL INPUT.

Last edited by broncofan; 06/13/10 07:39 PM.