I feed at around 6 AM and 8:30 PM, I have my cell phone programmed to remind me of the evening feeding, the morning feeding I don't always get to, heavy rain this morning and heavy winds on other days will keep me from it as I see no point in wasting the feed. I always get to my evening feed once the winds die down and the sun sets enough it isn't hitting the water. I'm only feeding yellow perch though and they seem to prefer these conditions. Once dock is built I will install a feeder so the feed reaches the center of the pond and wind won't be as much of an issue, then twice a day doses will be the rule. For now I have a pretty strong side arm pitch that gets it out there to the sweet spot, usually see a splash within 5 seconds of the first pellet hitting the water. I have noticed more FA this year though since feeding steadily so I may be putting her on a little thick.