Experts, I have a need to make the duckweed disappear but only for a week. I am the manager of the 2 acre municipal lake that is completely covered with duckweed. It is located in the middle of town in a very nice park. The 4th of July weekend is the 100 year anniversary of the town with a big event scheduled all weekend around the lake. So only for the week I was requested to do whatever it takes to clear the lake of duckweed and it only needs to last the week. So is there something I can use to kill all the duckweed and that I would not need DNR approval ? I can get DNR approval but not sure that can be done in time.

Lake condition
It is just over 2 acres. Has no inlet or outlet and is located in the center of town in a municipal park. The average depth is 3’ and is a muck bottom. I have a pump circulating the lake. A very nice aeration pump was just donated. For the anniversary 2 really nice lighted fountains have also been donated. I am in the process of working through all the steps with the DRN to have the lake dredged out. Because of the condition of the lake I know it is not possible to stop the duckweed. I have been doing some manual removal of the duckweed. It is a small percentage that I can remove manually, but all I can remove is that much more the lake does not have to digest. I know until I get it dredged and the proper aeration I will never get it under control.

I have gotten great help and education here previously and I appreciate it. What can I do?

Last edited by Sauman; 06/09/10 05:23 AM.

I only know how to bass fish from a boat.