The first time I ever saw the term "tried and true" on this Forum was when I was accused of forcing(or something like that) the masses away from the "tried and true".

So, naturally, I asked what is this thing called "tried and true"?

Its not my term, not part of my approach and I honestly do not believe there is a "true" in the absolute sense of ponds as a system of systems across this great Country. There are guidelines, there are lessons learned, there are recommendations, and there are new ideas constantly coming along...but "true", I just do not believe there is a holy grail of "true" that anyone has.

Bob Lusk, to me, validated that belief this past Saturday. In response to my statements that I felt like I was in a very small minority of the Forum, he told me in the open meeting that most pond folks he knows of want exactly what I want and am striving for in my ponds.

The nice thing is there is plenty of room in this activity for all views, including those who have a "tried and true" and those who are still searching for it. I hope this Forum always encourages both.