So the lures arrived today! And even better, Scott didn't have time to put a snake in the box for me! laugh Woohoo!

After what turned out to be a longer day than I had planned on it being, we loaded up and headed to the farm around 5:30 with plans to hang out for awhile. While Tammy took our girls for a 4 wheeler ride, AJ and I went to the pond and got geared up for a little fishing adventure before we started mowing. Camera, tape measure, scale, and Stubby Steve's on my Shakespeare UL spinning rig with 6 pound test on it. I tossed in a handful of the new feed I've been using and this was the result:

Like someone mentioned the other day here on the forum, it never gets old watching fish feed like this. As we all walked up to our building to get stuff out, we could see literally dozens of BG swimming over to the feeding spot from all different directions - very cool!

Anyway, I tossed in a SS lure for several minutes, but got no love at all. I may need to go with a smaller hook as the pellet was sinking immediately, though I would have thought the fish would hit it even then. So, time for a change in tactics.

I tied on the Viking Spoon and went for different prey, but the weeds are prevalent enough right now and the spoon is heavy enough that I just couldn't keep it out of them and ended up snagging weeds on almost every cast. I gotta say, though, that the action on that thing is awesome as I could see it on a couple of occasions that I managed to get a weed-free retrieve! So, plan C, grab the brokeback Rappala (I know that's the not the name, but I just can't remember what the heck it's called and I'm not taking the time right now to look it up!) and tied it on. As soon as it hit the water, I nailed a dink LMB that went 9 inches and .5 oz, but as I was tossing him back, my son said, "Daddy! You forgot to put it on Pond Boss!" I realized the camera had been overlooked! Not to worry, though, as just two casts later, I caught that fish's identical twin! Same exact dimensions, and this time AJ reminded me as I was unhooking it that I needed to put it on Pond Boss! So, in honor of his helping me remember, here is fish #2 (who could pass exactly for fish #1):

I tossed him back and perhaps 5 or 6 casts later, had a very different feeling strike and fight on my hands. After a few moments, I reeled in this bad boy:

I'm not sure if it's a male or female, but he/she measured in at 8 inches and 9 oz. We have caught a lot of BG this size, with our biggest going 10 inches. Didn't get a weight on that one, though.

So, Day 1 with the lures was a fun time with modest success. However, we have some time to go with them and will probably take another stab tomorrow with the whole family getting in on the action.

The biggest nerve wracking excitement of the day, though, came when the Viking Spoon hung up in the middle of the pond! Fortunately, that's one of the shallowest areas as we have a VERY small island near the center, so the kids and I piled into the canoe and headed out to retrieve it, which we did without incident! Just for gratuitous dad sakes, here are a couple of pics with our three kids in the canoe and with just our oldest daughter piloting it by herself:

So much for the Day 1 report. We'll have more to come!

Todd La Neve

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1.5 & .5 ac ponds - LMB, BG, RES, YP, GC, HSB