It's always a bittersweet weekend. I was sworn in forty-one years ago today. As I left home, another friend was lost before I got to my destination. I was one of the extremely fortunate who made it back whole. I think back to my early days with my dad's uncles, placing flags on the graves of the WW-I veterans on this weekend, when it was called "Decoration Day."

On a much happier note, my youngest grand daughter came over this evening to help build a new worm farm, feed the pond fish, catch some fish for a family fish fry, and just make life more fun.

Four generations of family will join together tomorrow to enjoy the results of my grandson's recent fishing expedition for Chesapeake Bay "rock fish" (striped bass to the rest of the world.)

Sunday will bring a host of friends for a big bluegill fry.

In between, I'll finish mowing, bush hogging, grading the driveway, gardening, and just plain relaxing.

Life is good.

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