I caught a GSF today in a friend's pond that I fish about once per month. It's near a major river and connected to some other ponds through the drains and overflows and such.

It was the first one I'd ever seen live and in person. It was a pretty good sized example - about 7-8" and we had no idea what it was until I got home and looked it up. The size of the mouth was my first clue - the the coloration on the head.

The owner of this pond doesn't even fish so, there has been no stocking. We usually fish there for big BG and runt LMB. My buddy caught a LMB that went about 2 1/2 pounds and we think that's the biggest one we can remember ever catching there.

Oh, and this is the pond that I caught my personal best black crappie from - 15 7/8"

Anyway, is this a bad omen?

If you're too scared to throw that bait where the fish are, why did you tie it on?