Actually, Cargill bought Burris several yrs. ago. The mill near Todd must have some leftover tags. The stuff I get at the plant in Franklinton, La. has cargill tags. I usually get 46/12 or 42/12 in whatever size they have. I have to get an overrun of whatever large order they are brewing, but I got some in mid March made the day before, and some last wk. made a few days before. $25 per bag tax included. 20 miles from the pond. I've only been able to get as large as 1/4 lately. I have a small amount of 3/8 left over from last yr. The HSB go crazy when I throw it out. I save the tags, but are in Miss. It has added vitamins, etc. They sell a lot to catfish and talapia farms in Nigeria.

Last edited by burgermeister; 05/14/10 09:58 AM.