Thanks for the compliments!

CJ, I plan on stocking it with Blue gill, red ear, and LMB.

Rainman, most ponds in this area have little to no watershed to fill them, most are fully levied and they seem to stay pretty full with little fluctuation. Our water table is very shallow here. This past February NRCS came out and did a boring for me and hit water between 6 and 8'. It is very dry right now and we have not had much rainfall in almost 2 months. When they cut the trench in the 10-12' end the water began rising. It is clear turquoise blue water and rises at least 1" per day. Most ponds within a mile of my property are spring fed if they were dug deep enough. I am hoping that when the get to the deep end they will hit a little more water. My property is on the edge of a salt dome that was the largest sulfur producer in the world in the early 1900's.