Are you in Nebraska, Russia?
Still in Nebraska! Just telling you what the rules here are as interpreted by our Game & Parks divison, but hey, we don't have enough CO's to properly check regulations on public bodies of water let alone all the private ones as well. IMO the rules I listed are pretty much un-enforcable. Even the NE G & P biologist who helped us with stocking our pond in the mid 80's admitted that there was little they could do as far as enforcement of rules so long as the fish did not leave our private property.

It's not a big deal, in years past when we have had too many LMB the NE G & P has come out and electroshocked fish to be stocked in newly renovated public bodies of water, they do have a nice electroshocking boat and I have been out in it a few times with them. It's a win win situation for both of us. Despite some of the quirky regulations in NE the Games & Parks really do a fine job here in helping private pond owners. They even have one full time biologist dedicated to private waters.