Esshup- I'd like to be able to catch quality LMB and BG which IMO are some 5lb+ LMB and some 1lb+ BG. The methods worked good early on but rough fish are quick learners and I'm a good teacher so now they run from a spotlight and the catch ratio was always low on the jugs.

Frog- My pond appears to have been dug by Hwy. Dept. but no one knows when just that the hwy and the pond have always been here. Before the days of Diversion Canals and pumping stations that move water out quickly this area was prone to flooding. There were SG, LMB, BC, BG, RES, CC, WM, Mudcat, both Shad types and Golden shiners in the pond when I moved here in '97. But after the two huge fish kills,I couldn't believe the numbers and sizes of the fish that were in my pond, coupled with the years of DW coverage I'd mistakenly believed my pond devoid of life.

Thank you guys for taking the time to help. I also realized I had Green sunfish last year but a cane pole and worms on a #12 hook did wonders. They were used on Jugs and as cut bait for Bowfin or as yard fertilizer. This year I caught a 3" BC in the "Bubbles", that's what me and my 14yr old call the diffusers and have seen several <6" bass. So i must've had a few fish left. I've been thinking of putting out a large fish trap, do y'all thin this will work on Gar and Grinnel? Any suggestions on a bait for meateaters. Also any ideas on making the jugs more efficient at hooking the Gar, GSF are so scarce now it's hard to keep 2 jugs with bait in the water.

Last edited by 7mag; 05/07/10 12:30 PM.

Scholars have long known that fishing eventually turns men into philosophers. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to buy decent tackle on a philosopher's salary. ~Patrick F. McManus