Greg, if I may ask, what surfactant do you use. I'm still looking for improvement there.

There are many ways to skin a cat, or remove lilies. But floaters especially lilies are very tough to get anything herbicide to get them, and it has to be systemic and you require a surfactant. As you know they are practically waterproof. Like a ducks back. And boy do they have tough rhizomes. I'm handpulling some now wider than a baked potato and three feet long before they break. You don't kill those, your whistling dixie.

Personally, lilies are tailor made for the Lake Mower. The weak link to the plant is the stem. And the leaves are for all intensive purposes solar panels to produce energy for the rhizome. The rhizomes expend a load of energy getting those leaves to the surface. You cut a batch of leaves off, just mowing right through all of them. Wait to a weaker second set come up, repeat. Rarely if ever do you need a third cut, rhizomes are depleted and done. I buzz through hard stem bulrushes and cattails. Lilies are a joke compared to them. But it is good to have many different ideas or solutions to consider. Greg, I always respect your input.