This old thread showed up recently, and here are a few more thoughts . . .

I got home this evening to the east-coast from a rather stressful 4-day west-coast business trip. I've had very little time at home, or at my pond, in the last several weeks.

When I got home this evening, it was early enough to still have some daylight. I took a fishing pole, rigged with a small rubber salamander, to the pond. The pond was really active because of lots of bugs flying just above water level. Before I even got to the water, two deer spotted me, and showed their disdain. They slowly wandered off to into the thickets, where they continued to snort their disdain at me. Just as I made my first cast, something else caught my eye. It was a flock of turkeys. I counted twelve. They scurried into the woods.

That first cast hooked a small bass. Then I caught a monster male bluegill in full regalia mating colors. As I got around the back side of the pond, I caught two more bass and a trout. Then I heard several snorts behind me. There were ten deer at the opposite corner of the pond expressing their displeasure at me being in their territory. As I made eye contact with them, several continued to snort, but they all slowly drifted into the woods and quickly became invisible in the camouflage of the brush.

I hauled in one more medium size bass, and it was time for dinner.

What more describes the pleasure of owning a pond?


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